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Dataserv has been a name synonymous with the IT sector since the 1970’s. Originally a company that was involved in IT maintenance based in Minneapolis it developed throughout the years into a leasing and brokerage company.
Following a move into the IT Asset Disposal business Dataserv South Africa was bought out of the group by the management and has developed itself into a one stop shop for IT disposal and leasing. The focus of Dataserv SA is to enable Small-to-Medium Enterprises in Africa to be able to access IT equipment in an affordable way.

Dataserv Canada works alongside Dataserv South Africa, taking IT equipment from corporate users. then reprocessing and leasing to end users. This ensures the costs are kept to a minimum and eliminates 3rd parties in the supply chain.

The most eco friendly IT recycling solution.
Safe & secure disposal, with no landfills involved - ever.
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