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Asset Recovery Services

Asset Recovery describes the process of maximizing the value of unused or end of life assets


In the IT sector, ARS is usually achieved through an effective reuse or divestment of idle or redundant  devices and parts


Due to the rapid technological development, many companies, institutions and authorities are now in duty to continuously adjust their existing IT infrastructure. But what happens
with the old equipment if PCs, notebooks, monitors, printers or mobile devices are to be replaced?

As a ITAD-service provider dataserv ensures that your redundant equipment is  professionally processed for reuse or disposed of environmentally friendly when needed.
dataserv SA offers an IT driven, standardized process at our asset recovery facility, thus offering a basis for an asset recovery
service for IT and telecoms that in the end generates an added value for our customers.




Our collection teams collect redundant product (in case
secure transport is required in GPS tracked vehicles), this is
then shipped back to dataserv SA processing facility where we fully test, audit and data wipe, as relevant, and provide reporting on each collection. The final part of our process is to
then provide onward treatment according to each individual
clients programme

Depending on the age, condition and marketability of the equipment will move to one of the following key services:

                  Remarketing                                                                      Employee Sales

                Redeployemnt                                                                            Buy Back


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011 794 1778


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